Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Best Moments in Life

Received an email from Erry just moments ago, its about the best moments in life, it sort of reminds me of couple small moments in my own life. Here goes the list:

  1. Falling in love.
  2. Laughing till your stomach hurts - see no 10.
  3. Enjoying a ride down the country side - short road trip with KKIC Boarding House Gals to Puncak back in '97, where Nadia got her ashtma attack because she laugh too much and too much smoke around.
  4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio - hum can be listening to my fave CD on my player and sit in silence without doing nothing.
  5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside - reminds me of the feeling I had when the rain were pouring at nite when I was in Melb, I would sit with the candle lite on with a cup of tea looking at the sky through the big window on my room, definite serenity!
  6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel.
  7. Passing your final exams with good grades - Yay to good IB scores, what a relief! The good scores calm my parents angst for the bad things happened during the 'millenium' new year!
  8. Being a part of an interesting conversation.
  9. Finding some money in some old pants.
  10. Laughing at yourself - like when me and Sid were laughing till our stomach hurts because I stupidly blow an ashtray full of ciggies ashes.
  11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends - use to do this every weekend, a getaway from a weekly routines, but not anymore... kinda miss my Sunset friends alot!
  12. Laughing without a reason.
  13. "Accidentally" hearing someone say something good about you.
  14. Watching the sunset - with the Sunseters in kuta... perfect moment!
  15. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life.
  16. Receiving or giving your first kiss.
  17. Feeling this buzz in your body when seeing this "special" someone - that sort of tingling/butterfly-ish feeling? Yeah...yeah... I had that almost every morning whenever I see my hubby sleepin.
  18. Having a great time with your friends - Most of the time, the time that I spent with Sunseters are great! Dine-out, coffee, sleepover, clubbin, holiday, shoppin name it!
  19. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her perfume.
  20. Seeing the one you love happy.
  21. Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories - Reminds me of Erry that use to come to my house when she was in Bandung, whenever she was around there's always some good old time memories to reminisce.
  22. Hearing someone telling you "I LOVE YOU"- Yeah it's great to hear someone speak it out loud! Only 2 person that often said this to me, my hubby - the daily boost-my-mood line :) and Erry.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Shopping List

My shopping list is almost completed, with a minor (ok its not minor but MAJOR) addition here and there because of the new Singapore's Cleo mag that I bought last Sat. FYI, my Mom is going to Canada (where they produce MAC!) and am compiling a wish list for her (to buy ...)

First and most importantly they are the new MAC make-up range - Lure, which said if bronze is my surface, and sirene is my soul, then this is your lure. The Lure range came in a very cute pastel green container. The new Lip Glass in Pink Clash and Eye Shadow in Sea Myth sounds delicious, so am definitely will get those! On top of that I will surely want to get the Fluidline that I've been dying to have ever since the shop attendance in MAC PIM II claimed that they're going to stock them last November 2005! Am definitely gonna get the Silverstroke color and in between Waveline or Royal Wink. Royal Wink - dont you just love the name? It gives you the impression that this liner will give you those immaculate "Royal-ish" look that will sweep off anyone off their feet with only one wink. And ... of course am gonna get some eyeshadow, it's been really hard to decide what colour I want to have. I just want to grab them all! They're just so yummy! All the glittery and colorful shade just makes me dizzy and greedy ... but I'll certainly need chrome yellow, it's time to put my quest for a yellow eyeshadow to an end! Maybe I'll get black as well (black tied it is!) and a lighter shade like summer neutral or crystal/digit.

Next in line would be the Shiseido Maquillage - which according to my French speaking friend stands for make up, how convenient? I've just found out from Sing's Cleo that Shiseido had launched a new make up range called Maquillage. Mind you, the website only had Japanese version so I have to navigate through them by instinct. They're packaging look so sleek and slender, well most Japanese product always come in an irresistibly nice package which make it even more expensive then they suppose to! The Brow Mascara looked very tempting, espescially since the description said that it promise to thicken my eyebrow (yeap definitely need this for my thin brow) and keep them in place for the whole 24 hours (perfect!). And the Diamond Tear Eyeliner ... the small liner brush really excites me because it will enable a very thin liner drawing on your eyelid! Absolutely on my wish list, I will start with the purple colour.

Ok that's it for now ... I will add some more later, there's still 4 days to go ...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Histeria

What a start for Monday morning ... I got yelled at by my driver, can you actually believe this? He's pissed and actually scolded me. Sometimes that guy doesnt have any manner at all, espescially to anyone except my Dad. Maybe he's abit loony or sumtin! Or he's just plainly RUDE! My point is if he doesn't want or can not do the thing I asked him, he could have just said so - rather than just keep me waiting. I could have found alternatives if he said sumtin ...

Of all people on Monday morning, I would not expect to get scolded by my #@!%in Driver! Maybe if it's my boss because I've (again!) carelessly done sumtin to the web, I would have just accept it wholeheartedly, even if it is Monday morning!

... and it's not my fault to begin with! arghh!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

It's a Girl!

Hari ini gue denger kabar gembira dari Mba Uni temen sekantor gue, kemaren siang dia akhirnya ngelahirin anak perempuan pertamanya yang udah ditunggu" selama 9 bulan. Walaupun pake acara sungsang segala tu anak, mungkin kebanyakkan diajakin jalan" kali yah selama di kantor sama Mba Un.

She said, and I quote her directly "It's amazing being a mom..." wah denger begini jadi deg"an plus nggak sabar nunggu lahiran bulan September nanti. Mudah"an nanti lahirannya lancar, amin!

Sekarang secara gue udah mau masuk (atau udah ya?) trimester ke tiga kayaknya perasaannya pegel" terus, dan persendian gue kayak mau putus semuanya ... apalagi kalo baru bangun tidur, berasa banget njarem disana sini. Kalau dikantor biasanya punggung gue nih yang suka berulah sakit" dan pegel", mungkin karena dikantor dari pagi sampe sore duduk terus kali yah? Yang paling ampuh, duduknya harus diganjel bantal kecil di punggung biar agak enakkan posisinya, tapi kayaknya sih sekarang harus cari bantal yang lebih gede nih!

Akhir" ini gue makin males ajah kemana" kalo wiken, paling kerjaan gue tidur dirumah sambil nonton DVD, biasanya serial Korea =) ... am feeling very content though with this simple ritual on the weekend. Trying to get the energy back for the next Mon to Fri work ritual. Trus ... dari hari kehari pipi gue tambah tembem aja!

This is me & my currently very chubby cheek

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Now and Then

Tadi pagi nyampe kantor seperti biasa... setelah berkutat di komputer dengan update ini itu, gue telpon Nadia + chat sebentar sama si Mei". Lucunya si Mei" cerita kalo dia mimpi gue waktu jaman masi muda dulu (maksudnya: sbelum kawin gitu!). Gue tau banget nih kenapa alasannya, pasti karena kabar tentang Bokap+Nyokap gue mau keluar negri udah kedengeran ke temen" gue, pastinya courtesy of Nadia penyampai kabar dan gosip tercepat among Sunseters. Semalem sebenernya sih gue ma Nadia udah sempet ngebahas tentang cerita ini dilanjutkan ke pagi ini.

Dulu... kalo udah ada rencana" bokap+nyokap gue mau pergi, gue ma temen" gue udah heboh saling telpon"an nyusun rencana sleepover, dugem, dll... pokoknya intinya ada acara nggak ada acara ngumpul" deh! Yang tadinya udah punya rencanya sendiri" dipanas"in buat ngebatalin rencana masing" dengan embel" wiken ada rencana dugem, yang pastinya pada tergiur dan berubah deh semua rencana awal. Yang tadinya nggak ada rencana mau wikenan bareng, kalau bisa dari Jumat udah pada nginep di rumah gue semuanya buat persiapan Sabtu malem. Biasanya, Nadia+Vinny dari awal minggu udah jadi tim awal yang nginep di rumah gue. Menjelang wiken baru deh yang lainnya pada ngumpul di rumah gue.

Tapi walaupun persiapannya biasanya udah mulai heboh dari hari Jum'at, secara semuanya ada kegiatan kuliah atau kerja pasti hari Sabtunya dari pagi sampe malem banyak acara semuanya. Dari tugas, mata kuliah yang wajib dateng, kerja lembur, acara keluarga, dll... pokoknya semuanya diselipin dari satu kewajiban ke kewajiban yang lain sebelum jam 8 teng! Karena biasanya mau sesibuk apapun pokoknya pergi dugem harus full make-up and fully dressed. Biasanya yang nggak banyak kerjaan siap" duluan, terus kalau udah siap baru deh tugas gue untuk nge-make-up-in or sekedar touch-up temen" gue dimulai. Next, pilih" baju... nggak tau kenapa walaupun udah pada bawa baju banyak...tapi akhirnya jadi saling nyomot baju sana sini. Terus yang terakhir aksesoris, biasanya karena apal banget sama kebiasaan gue mengkoleksi macem" aksesoris temen" gue pada males bawa sendiri" dan akhirnya ngoprekkin perlengkapan gue. Pastinya nih kaca dikamar gue udah pada penuh sama cewek" pada dandan dan nyocok"in baju... kaca jadi komoditi langka pada saat" begini.

Kalau udah SIAP semuanya... langsung deh kita buru" pergi dengan menjejali pembantu gue berbagai alasan dan pesen supaya nggak ditungguin soalnya bakal pulang malem (pagi sih lebih tepatnya!). Seringnya kalau dugem rame" kita bawa mobil nyokap gue secara mobilnya bisa muat lebih banyak orang, dan temen" gue di mobil pasti akan bilang "maaf ya tante mobilnya dipake!" padahal nggak ngaruh juga kayak nyokap gue tau aja mobilnya dipake... Tapi ada satu ritual nih yang selalu kita lakuin kalau mau dugem... biasanya Vinny bakal mimpin doa sebelum kita turun dari mobil semoga kita semua diberi keselamatan malem itu dan bisa bersenang" ... lucu juga ... nggak ngerti juga sih sampe sekarang intinya apa!

With Sunseter di depan Time Break, PlangiBiasanya setelah sampe rumah mulai deh vitalitas kegiatan minggu itu menurun, dari tidur di sembarang tempat begitu sampe rumah, sampe akhirnya hari minggu dihabiskan dengan bangun siang, santai" makan ke KFC Kemang atau ngupi"...

BTW ada yang kangen nggak sih? Ada yang kangen gue... =)
Lucu juga nginget" jaman dulu...


It has been gonna use this blog from now on, cause for some reason friendster blogs doesn't work anymore in my office.