Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Everyone that went to visit me after my labour swear that Raysa has no resemblance to me at all, she's 90% the woman version of R. But a bestfriend of mine insist from day one that Raysa had my nose, which I thought at that time couldnt be right cause hers is pointier than mine. Even my friend at the office pointed out the exact same thing. Until recently I found this photo of Raysa, her in her most mommy-like expression. So anyone who said that she does not have any resemblance to me at all can compare the two pictures, she obviously have my nose (I realised it now), the heart shaped face with the pointy chin, the way she arched her eyebrow is obviously me and the narrow set eyes also similar to mine except that hers is bigger. If you put a blush on on the side of her cheeck you can recognise that high cheek bone structure that I have.


Anonymous said...

gue bilang emang raysa mirip elo ah mal..dagunya itu lohh.. pipinya juga chubby :D duh tapi gaya kaya emaknya juga ya.. gak nahaaannn deeee :P

DesZeLL said...

Ho ho thanks nit akhirnya ada yang bilang juga Raysa mirip gue :)