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Monday, March 12, 2007

Food for babies

Raysa started to take her meals when she was 4 months, as per doctor’s recommendation we start giving her orange and apple juice along with milk cereal. Most babies will completely wean to solids when they reach 6th months old as the mother’s breast milk doesn’t have sufficient iron and nutrients for the developing baby anymore.

At the 6th months, there’s more fruit and vegetables that you can introduce to your baby. For the past 2 weeks I’ve been trying to give more varieties to her food so she will be familiar with all sorts of flavor from the very beginning. But, I’m not confident enough on what I’m doing. I still have many unanswered questions, like:
What kind of food is ok or not ok for her?
How many meals a day should she take and at what quantity?
What kind of elements does she need on her food to help her grow?

Since there are so many questions piling at the back of my mind I decided to browse for a book that has information on baby’s food. So last Saturday I went down to Kinokuniya and after several excellent books I found one that I really like, Superfood for babies and children by Annabel Karmel. What I liked about this book is that it explained the food that your baby need at different stages of her age. The book also provided a meal plan that you can use as a reference along with the recipes. Next to the recipes there’s an explanation why certain fruit/veggie/fruit is good for your baby.

So, last Sunday I was busy making meal plan based on Annabel Karmel’s book. I enjoyed this book very much it’s very useful and informative. I visit her website and join her forum so I can meet up with other mums or at the least read about their problem which can be useful when you’re encountering the same problem.

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